We thank all our donors for their contributions to our regional fair.
The North Bay Regional Science Fair is organized by volunteers from the local scientific and professional community, to encourage youth in our area to pursue an interest in STEM. The Fair is entirely non-profit and relies upon donations from the community to meet its operating costs and to send winning students to CWSF (approximately $2000 each).
We offer four sponsorship levels to recognize and publicly thank the people and organizations that make the NBRSF possible.
Platinum Sponsors ($1000 +)
Receipt for donation
Name or logo will appear on newsletters, flyers and under “Platinum” on Fundraising section of website.
Individual or organization will be thanked on the NBRSF Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Individual or organization will be featured and thanked in the main photo slider on the Home page of the NBRSF website; including the individual’s photo (if desired) or company logo.
Organizations will be offered a table at the Science Fair where they may set up a display and attend (if desired) for the duration of the fair day.
Our Current Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors
($500 to $999)
Receipt for donation
Name or logo will appear on newsletters, and under “Gold” on Fundraising section of the website
Individual or organization will be thanked on the NBRSF Facebook/LinkedIn pages.
Our Current Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors
($250 to $499)
Receipt for donation
Name or logo will appear on newsletters, flyers and under “Silver” on the Fundraising section of the website
Individual or organization will be thanked on the NBRSF Facebook/LinkedIn pages.
Our Current Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors
(up to $249)
Receipt for donation
Name or logo will appear on newsletters, and under “Bronze” on the Fundraising Section of the website
Our Current Bronze Sponsors

Donations can be mailed directly to the NBRSF at:
P.O. Box 24007
Josephine St., North Bay, ON.
P1B 0C7
Receipts will be provided for donations of $20 or more. Send your questions to sciencefairnb@gmail.com
Donate Through Canada Helps:
CRA #: 119059269RR0001
In the past, our Regional Fair has been very successful, with more than 100 projects entered by students from grades 7 through 12. It is encouraging to see the ability and enthusiasm of the participants. Students who have gone on to the CWSF have also been extremely successful.
We are very proud of our young scientists and the positive reputation they uphold as representatives for the North Bay region. The Science Fair offers them an opportunity to receive public recognition for their efforts, while opening doors to meet and compete with other brilliant students from across the country. These young people are our hope for a brighter future. Past contributions have assisted and encouraged these young people to excel in the field of science and technology.
Financial contributions from community leaders and local businesses is key to ensuring continued success at a regional and national level. Sponsors will receive recognition in our three annual newsletters, at the Fair, through advertisements, and on our web-site. All contributions are tax deductible and should be made to North Bay Regional Science Fair.